Conductor Jordan Randall Smith received 2nd Place in the 2019 edition of The American Prize in Orchestral Conducting.
According to The American Prize website:
The American Prize is a series of new, non-profit national competitions in the performing arts providing cash awards, professional adjudication and regional, national and international recognition for the best recorded performances by ensembles and individuals each year in the United States at the professional, college/university, church, community and secondary school levels. Administered by Hat City Music Theater, Inc., a nonprofit organization based in Danbury, Connecticut, The American Prize was founded in 2009 and is awarded annually. The competitions of The American Prize are open to all U.S. citizens, whether living in this country or abroad, and to others currently living, working and/or studying in the United States of America, its protectorates and territories.
Jordan is the Music Director for Symphony Number One. SNO recently won The American Prize in the Professional Orchestra Division (see here and here) based on the merits of its 2017-2018 season.
Stories with more information:
Symphony Number One performs at Morgan State University. Photo Credit: Bruce Boyajian